Sunday 30 December 2012

Selenium RC commands

Selenium RC commands :

Text Box Related Commnads

1. type(locator, value) : example : selenium.type("//input[@id='username']", "ganeshapv_2004");

2. getValue(locator) : example : String username = selenium.getAttribute("id=username");

3. getAtttribute(locator) example : String nameAttr = selenium.getAttribute("id=username");

4. isEditable(locator)
System.out.println("Username text field is Editable");
System.out.println("Username text field is non Editable");

Button Related Commands

1.Click(locator) example :"//button[@id='.save']");

Label Related Commands

1. getText (loocator) example : String userLabel = selenium.getText("//label[@for='username']");

Link Related Commands

1.Click(Locator) example :"link=Forgot Password");

2. getText(Locator) example String lnkTest = selenium.getText(“link=Forgot Password”);

CheckBox/Radio button Related Commands

1.check(Locator) -- Checks the CheckBox example : selenium.check("//input[@id='persistent']");

2. uncheck(Locator) -- Unchecks the CheckBox example : selenium.uncheck("//input[@id='persistent']");

3. isChecked (Locator) -- Returns whether a checkbox is checked or unchecked.
Returns True, if a checkbox is checked.
Returns False, if a checkbox is unchecked.
Example : boolean checkStatus = selenium.isChecked("//input[@id='persistent']");
System.out.println("Lnk Test :"+checkStatus);

List Box / Multi Select Related Commands

1. getSelectOptions (Locator) -- Gets all the list items within a List Box
example : String[] options = selenium.getSelectOptions("//select[@id='bm']");
for(int i=0;i<options.length;i++)
System.out.println("options :"+options[i]);

2. select (locator, valueToSelect) -- Selects an item in the List Box
example :"//select[@id='bm']", "August");

3. getSelectedLabel (locator) -- Returns Selected Label
example : String selectedValue = selenium.getSelectedLabel("//select[@id='bm']");
System.out.println("selectedValue:"+ selectedValue);

4. getSelectedIndex (locator) -- Gets option index (option number, starting at 0) for selected option in the specified select element.
Example : String selectedIndex = selenium.getSelectedIndex("//select[@id='bm']");
System.out.println("selectedIndex :"+selectedIndex);

5. getSelectedValue(locator) -- Gets option value (value attribute) for selected option in the specified select element.
Example : String selectedVal = selenium.getSelectedValue("//select[@id='bm']");
System.out.println("selectedVal :"+selectedVal);

6. addSelection (locator,optionLocator) -- Add a selection to the set of selected options in a multi- select element using an option locator.
locator - an element locator identifying a multi-select box
optionLocator - an option locator (a label by default)

7. removeSelection ( locator,optionLocator ) -- Remove a selection from the set of selected options in a multi-select element using an option locator.
locator - an element locator identifying a multi-select box
optionLocator - an option locator (a label by default)

8. isSomethingSelected (locator) -- Returns whether a List Box is selected or not.
Returns True, if a List Box is selected.
Returns False, if a List Box is not selected.
Example : boolean elementSelected = selenium.isSomethingSelected("//select[@id='bm']");
System.out.println("elementSelected :"+elementSelected);

Text Related Commands

1. isText Present(pattern)
a. Return true if the text is present
b. You can give regular expression with test (Note: It supports glob pattern)
boolean textAvailabel = selenium.isTextPresent("Find a Partner");
System.out.println("text availability :"+textAvailabel);
boolean textAvailabel1 = selenium.isTextPresent("Find a Partner");
System.out.println("text availability :"+textAvailabel1);
boolean textAvailabel2 = selenium.isTextPresent("Find a *");
System.out.println("text availability :"+textAvailabel2);
boolean textAvailabel3 = selenium.isTextPresent("Find a *");
System.out.println("text availability :"+textAvailabel3);
boolean textAvailabel4 = selenium.isTextPresent("Find a ?art*");
System.out.println("text availability :"+textAvailabel4);


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