Sunday 30 December 2012

Configuring Selenium RC with Eclipse

Configuring Selenium RC with Eclipse

For configuring Selenium RC with Eclipse follwoing softwares and jar files are required

  1. Java Jdk
  2. Eclipse
  3. Selenium RC Server
  4. Language specific client driver

Following are the steps for configation

  1. Create a Project Folder (in C or D drive)
  2. Create a Lib Folder inside Project Folder
  3. Place the Eclipse inside Project Folder
  4. Open Eclipse and browse Project Folder in the workspace specified path
  5. Create a new java project in Eclipse by clicking on File--> New--> Java Project
  6. Right click on the JRE system Lib--> Build Path--> Configure Build Path--> Add External Jars and Add both the Client Driver and Selenium RC jar file
  7. Configure the external Tools. Go to Eclipse Run menu-->Esxternal Tools--> External Tools Configuration -->Double click on Program
  8. Enter configuation name (ex Config1)
  9. In Location section click on the browse file system button and browse and add path of java.exe (C:/Program File/Java/bin/java.exe)
  10. In the Working Directory section click on the browse file system button and browse and add the Lib folder
  11. In the Argument paste -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -port 2222. Click on Apply and Run


  1. Additional comments :
    1. Put selenium rc server and client specific jar under lib folder

  2. The above article "Configuring Selenium RC with Eclipse" is more informative. This is more helpful for our selenium training in chennai.Thanks for sharing


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